Writing Test Case for Registration Page Using ChatGPT
Now the is another use case for ChatGPT where we are querying ChatGPT to write Test case for Registration page.
RK: write the Test Case for Registration page
AI: Here is an example of a test case for a registration page for manual testing:
Test Case Title: Verify Successful Registration
- User is on the registration page
- All the fields are blank
Test Steps:
- Enter a valid first name in the first name field
- Enter a valid last name in the last name field
- Enter a valid email address in the email field
- Enter a valid password in the password field
- Confirm the password
- Select a valid date of birth from the date of birth dropdown
- Select a valid country from the country dropdown
- Click on the register button
- Verify that a successful registration message appears
- Verify that an activation email is received in the email address provided
Expected Result:
- The user should be able to successfully register and receive a successful registration message
- An activation email should be received in the email address provided
Actual Result:
- The user’s account is created and is inactive until activated via the email
- This is just an example, you may need to adjust the test case according to the specifics of the application being tested.
- You should also include the test case ID, priority, severity, test data, and any other relevant information in the test case.